Clone EC-CUBE (4.0.5 or later).
git clone
cd ec-cube
composer install
Change DATABASE_URL and DATABASE_SERVER_VERSION as appropriate. (Adjust to the actual environment)
## for PostgreSQL
sed -i.bak -e 's/DATABASE_URL=sqlite:\/\/\/var\/eccube.db/DATABASE_URL=postgres:\/\/postgres:password@\/eccubedb/g' ./.env
## for MySQL
sed -i.bak -e 's/DATABASE_URL=sqlite:\/\/\/var\/eccube.db/DATABASE_URL=mysql:\/\/root:password@\/eccubedb/g' ./.env
Install EC-CUBE4.
bin/console eccube:install --no-interaction
Set up a mock server for the EC-CUBE owner’s store.
# プラグインの保管ディレクトリを作成
mkdir ${PWD}/repos
# mockサーバを起動。ここでは9999をポート番号に設定していますが、必要に応じて変更してください
docker run -d --rm -v ${PWD}/repos:/repos -e MOCK_REPO_DIR=/repos -p 9999:8080 eccube/mock-package-api
# mockサーバを参照するように環境変数を定義
Set the authentication key.
bin/console doctrine:query:sql "update dtb_base_info set authentication_key='dummy'"
Place the plug-in package.
cd repos
git clone
cd eccube-api4
tar cvzf ../Api-1.0.0.tgz *
cd ../../
Install the plugin.
bin/console eccube:composer:require ec-cube/Api
bin/console eccube:plugin:enable --code=Api
You can also install plugins from the administration screen → owner’s store → plugins → search for plugins.
Launch the built-in web server
bin/console server:run
To replace it with the Git repository for API plugin development: Please note that uninstalling the plugin will delete the entire Git repository.
cd app/Plugin/
rm -rf Api
git clone
mv eccube-api4 Api