Install MongoDB PHP Driver on MacOS


Homebrew 1.5.0 deprecated the » Homebrew/php tap and removed formulae for individual PHP extensions. Going forward, macOS users are advised to install the » php formula and follow the standard PECL installation instructions using the pecl command provided by the Homebrew PHP installation.

How to install on macOS Mojave

Start with:

sudo pecl install mongodb

To check if mongodb package is installed, look for “mongodb” when you run:

pecl list

To get your installed path, run:

pecl list-files mongodb | grep

then remove (or comment out) on your php.ini file:


(I could not found a line with extension=””)

now insert a line with:

extension="{{the path to your installed}}"

Run this command to get your ext-*.ini directory path:

php -i | grep Scan

Create your ext-mongodb.ini with:

touch {{your conf.d path}}/ext-mongodb.ini


touch /usr/local/etc/php/7.1/conf.d/ext-mongodb.ini

Restart your apache to read the new configuration

Sanity check with:

php -i | grep mongodb

Your’re ready to go.


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